Workshop 1

  1. Understand how DT represents a new way of working together as a team, that it has deliberate components, that it has specific "indications" (when it is useful), but also elements of individual/group behavior change that are more generally useful.
  2. Overall shape of the design thinking process
  3. Concrete/practical sense of value of diversity
  4. Rules/practice of brainstorming
Workshop Guide Session 1

If you are here early…

(10 minutes) Tell a story about the last activity that you tried for the first time. Was it exciting or scary?
How did being a novice help you?
Take 2 minutes to jot down some notes. In groups of 3, tell the story in 2 minutes.

Facilitator: footnotes - story telling; value of being a novice; remember that mindset.

Mini Design Challenge (after IDEO/Design Kit)

Improve the Morning Routine

  • VIDEO : Learn from Failure (Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO)
  • VIDEO Embrace Ambiguity (Patrice Martin, Co-Lead and Creative Director,
  • VIDEO Be Optimistic (John Bienlenberg, Founder, Future Partners)

1. (DIVERGE) Interview: 15 minutes
Interview your partner about their morning routine. How do they get from bed to work? Not just the logistics, but the textures, the feelings, the process. What do they wish could be different? What parts do they enjoy? What parts do they dread? Ask, probe, LISTEN, and take notes. We'll call time seven minutes, at which time you and your partner should switch roles.

Ask why? Ask what else?
Ask how are good days different from bad.
Ask for a guided tour.
Ask partner to draw a map. Or a diagram. Or a picture.
What are the obstacles? What are the potential pitfalls?
How are they feeling at different points in the process?

  • VIDEO Empathy (Emi Kolawole, Editor-in-Residence, Stanford University

2. (CONVERGE) From Notes to Needs: 5 minutes
What are three unique aspects of your partner’s commute?
What are three needs you partner encounters each morning?

  • VIDEO Creative Confidence (David Kelley, Founder, IDEO)

3. (DIVERGE) Brainstorm: 15 minutes

1. Defer Judgement
2. Encourage Wild Ideas
3. Build on the Ideas of Others
4. Stay Focused on Topic
5. One Conversation at a Time
6. Be Visual
7. Go for Quantity

Your task is to generate solutions that could address needs that emerge in your partner's morning routine.
Start with a few (3-4) that you generate on your own. Draw or briefly describe each on a post-it note.
Once you have a few, work with your partner as follows: take turns explaining/describing the idea. When your partner is talking, you want to engage in creative listening, allowing their ideas to spark new ones in your mind.
Continue for about 12 minutes total. Be sure that each idea gets recorded and put into the shared space in front of both of you.

  • VIDEO Make It (Krista Donaldson, CEO, D-Rev) ~1 min

4. (CONVERGE) Select an idea to prototype and make something tangible (15 minutes)

At the end of this work, each partner should select an idea that seems worthy of further investigation. The criteria here is to pick an idea that you want to know more about, that you wonder about, that if you could put it into tangible form then you could learn more from your partner about whether the solution works and how it could be improved.

Build a simple model of the idea out of paper, glue, tape, scissors, cardboard, etc.

  • VIDEO Iterate, Iterate, Iterate (Gaby Brink, Founder, Tomorrow Partners)

5. (DIVERGE) Elicit Feedback

Present your prototype to your partner. Don't pitch the prototype or try to sell the partner on the idea. Instead, put it into their hands and get them to tell you how well it fits, what aspects of the model excite them? what things do they quickly see could be improved.

(20 minutes) Visual Telephone. Split up into groups of 10. Everyone has legal-size sheet of paper. Take up to 60 seconds to write a sentence. Fold and pass to next person. Unfold to expose sentence; take up to 60 seconds to draw a picture inspired by the sentence. Refold to cover sentence and fold again to hide drawing. Pass. Unfold just the last fold to expose drawing. Take up to 60 seconds to write a sentence inspired by the drawing. Refold to cover the drawing and fold to cover the sentence. Pass. Repeat until papers return to originator. Unfold and share.

Facilitator: the vice of imperfect communication turned into virtue (my misinterpretation can inspire your creativity) - the power of shifting between "right" and "left" brain expression - value of everyone participating - value of writing down and drawing rather than just talking - value of timing

  1. # Importance of being empirical - pay attention to what works, be aware of ideological blindness (the things you are right about make you blind)
  2. Why teams? How to get most from teams?
  3. Read intro reading from Designkit

Lots of Ideas

Somewhere Heidegger says being is a conversation with the world and the better role in the conversation is listening.

Visual telephone to loosen muscles, relieve anxiety, and make the point that creativity can be unleashed in teams.
Inquiry Methods - there are lots of concrete methods we can learn. Learn why, how to, and when.
Six hats - characterize contributions, choreograph creativity
Why post-its
Identifying and Sorting Problems
Distinguishing "my pet thing" from organizational problems
Trying to find out vs. trying to show
DesignKit I
Human Centered Design - what is it?
A process for developing solutions that meet people's needs. Rather that relying on your cleverness and insight and model of the world
Experience map: What could be done about X?

"that starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor-made to suit their needs."
Image of scientist diving into black hole and narrowing in on solution, finding it, and returning to the surface. Contrast with letting the world talk.
You are not the user.
"We know what we want, you just won't give it to us."

IMPORTANCE of Logistics
Time Calendar Space Leadership Groundrules Supplies Sharing/Recording


every other Thursday from 11-12 for however long you think it will take for us to learn the concept of DT?
begin October 22nd or November 5th?
present to us on October 13th 1-2 pm about brainstorming and being able to think proactively about change.

October 14th 12 pm - 2 pm ??

meet during the following times in the Innovation Lab.
Thursday, 2-3pm on the following days
October 22nd
November 5th
November 19th
December 3rd
December 17th