1. Discussion: What do we mean by “computational literacy”? How does it differ from “computer literacy” (knowing how to use computers) and “computational thinking”? ( See "Ellen's Thoughts" for some background on how this is addressed in CS. Please think about any ways these ideas are addressed in your department )

I think we need to be careful not to reproduce the existing tendency to associate some "literacy" with a particular department (English, math, art, ethnic studies are legacy examples). If that's the path we want to follow then just develop a funding model for CS to offer service courses along the model of English 1.

If we understand the task more generally and in relation to technology and information more broadly understood than coding per se, I think a useful starting point would be a back of the envelope inventory of what sorts of computer-related skills instructors in various corners of the college end up spending course time on which, if they could be assumed, would free up time for substantive instruction (or shorten the amount of time necessary for other courses).

Here's as example a quick list of some skills on this list that we used in social science last spring

google docs > "the cloud" > collaborative editing > file format conversion
google scholar > bibliographic software > databases > Zotero > plugins > automatic formatting of references and bibliographies > conversations about citation conventions and plagiarism
sophisticated formatting in word > graphic design > mark up languages > wiki markup > becoming a wikipedia editor > html
wiki editing > embedding CSS to style wiki page > embedding HTML > learning simple javascript

a. What are student's most critical needs in this area? (narrow to top 3) 10 minutes

"NEEDS" might not be something that's going to be universal without being either vague or uninteresting. If pressed, thinking about future employment, I'd say being able to format in a sophisticated and efficient manner in Word and GoogleDocs would be closest to top of my list. Then, perhaps, email skills (including etiquette) understood as transcending just email. Lastly, spreadsheets.

I would not include coding on the list. It's sexy these days and not being estranged from it is a good mark of social cultivation, but at the very very basic level that you get with "literacy" I'm not sure how well it will serve folks.

b. what are the College's most critical needs to serve student's needs? (narrow to top 3) 5 minutes

What does this mean?

2. How can we address these needs using an interdisciplinary approach? What other approaches are needed? 30 minutes

The topic is naturally interdisciplinary.

3. What does success look like? (Vision) 10 minutes

All other courses in the college can use "computational" stuff because the instructors can assume folks can do it. We save oodles of time not having instructors offering redundant and patchwork versions of "introduction to digital skills."

4. What are the expected impacts from our approach?(Quantitation analysis: How many students? What resources do we need?) 30 minutes

5. Who are the key players in implementing all approaches across campus? 15 minutes

6. What changes need to occur in policy, organization or pedagogy to succeed? 10 minutes